(Task Live) CitizenMe – 1Minute Small Survey – Instant Payout

About CitizenMe :-

CitizenMe’s mission is to bring people and companies together to share information for mutual benefit. It’s a democracy in the truest sense; ethical because it’s fully opted-in, powerful because we integrate data from multiple sources and effective because the insights we provide add tangible value. We believe it’s the way human data should be done, and our clients agree.

Image result for citizenme

How To Start :-

2. Open, Click Create Account, Enter Email Id and Password
3. Verify email id, 
4. Complete your profile 
5. And do some free task from home page(attention purpose)
6. Now just wait , they will send you one paid task , like below
Image result for citizenme
7. Answer all question and after submit you can see Paypal login page, fill your Paypal login mail and password
8. That’s  it. Setup done.
9. Whenever paid task will come , you can see push notification
or join our Whatsapp Broadcast to receive instant alert.
Proof Here
(Task Live) CitizenMe - 1Minute Small Survey - Instant Payout


(Task Live) CitizenMe - 1Minute Small Survey - Instant Payout

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